breastfeeding / goodies / mom / motherhood / parenting on a budget / practical / stay at home mom

No-Bake Lactation Cookies

11216288_1015315841814624_578199977_nI haven’t written on my blog in long time because I’ve been caught up in the life of having a baby whose almost a toddler. Or a toddler who’s sometimes a baby… However you want to look at it. As a stay at home mom I have very, very few moments to myself and so it’s sometimes hard to actually carve out time to write. When I do write it’s usually full of typos and mistakes because I’m also trying to make sure my kid doesn’t open the “babyproof” drawer and spill my nail polish everywhere or pull the cat’s fur out.



Anyways, I have possibly the worst allergies that have ever existed among any person dead or alive, if that sounds dramatic to you… You probably haven’t heard me sneeze. During this time of year I’ve gotta take multiple allergy meds to even make a dent; my milk supply suffers immensely from this and yet when it’s hot out I don’t want to bake cookies. So I created this no bake lactation cookie recipe from a bit of here, there and everywhere. I tried to keep it fairly healthy by not adding refined sugars and flour. My husband devours them, luckily they don’t seem to make him lactate that I’ve noticed.


3 cups of dry oats (I use half old fashioned and half steel cut)

1 cup of peanut butter (or nut butter of your choice)

1 cup ground flaxseed

4 TB brewers yeast

1 1/2 cups dark/semisweet chocolate chips

2/3 cup honey (can add more or less depending on how sweet you want them. I also use raw local honey)

3 TB of Shavarti powder (you can omit this if you don’t have it on hand)

1/4 cup of crushed walnuts (you can substitute for sliced almonds or omit completely)

Mix ingredients very well in a big bowl and then refrigerate for 30 minutes. After dough is cool, roll into balls. Optional: roll the balls in coconut shavings to keep them from being so sticky when you eat them. Store in an airtight container for a week or so. Can freeze them as well. You can easily half this recipe if you don’t want to freeze them or share them.

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